Saturday, April 26, 2008


President Monson announced that there will two new temples built in Arizona.
1- The Gilbert Arizona Temple
2- Gila Valley Arizona Temple
This announcement was the first temple announcement made by President Monson according to the Church News. I am so excited to have another temple close by. When I was young, I watched the Jordan River temple being built from ground up. We attended the ground breaking ceremony, the open house, and the dedication of the temple. My parents and I were able to attend the dedication inside the temple. I was twelve years old at the time and interviewed to attend. My siblings were younger and didn't get that opportunity. I remember going to the temple to do baptism for the dead. It was a neat experience to watch the building of the temple and then performing the baptism. I did go once to the Salt Lake Temple to do Baptisms for the Dead. It was neat to go there to, but Jordan River was always my temple. I wanted to get married there too, but my family moved to Arizona. I met Jim and we were married in the Arizona Temple, which is now my temple. Jim and I later did a session in the Jordan River temple, that was really special. My kids attended the open house of the Snowflake temple. They thought that was cool. Now my kids can watch the Gilbert temple be built. We can even take them to the Gila Valley open house. What a neat experience that will be.


Kim said...

I am so excited! I think that it will be neat to watch the Gilbert Temple be built. I will probably have to take my kids by every couple of weeks so we can watch it. Of course, we'll have to go to the open house.

Bren's Life said...

I am so excited! Rumores are flying that it may be really colose to us here... I can't wait to watch the process...