Monday, September 28, 2009

Memorable Monday

College has been a major topic at Wall family dinner. My oldest niece is looking for a college attend next fall. I remember the time I picked the colleges that I attended. When I was in high school, I wanted to attend BYU in Hawaii. Who didn't? I can dream right? I attended several colleges and feel lucky that I was able to finish and get my degree. I know that my niece will pick a good college and work to make that college work for her.
1.University of Utah - I applied to U and really wanted to go. I was accepted and had my class schedule and was ready to start. The U was the only college that I applied to during high school and was just thrilled that I was going. I been on campus and participated in a music day program earlier which made we more excited to go. My dad informed my family that we were moving to AZ in the later that year. I wanted so bad to stay in UT and go to the U. My dad felt very strongly that we should go to AZ as a family. The very first day of college, I went there to withdraw. My friends were going to the U, while I stayed home to prepare for the big move. I had a hard time at first, but I'm grateful that I followed my dad's strong feelings and stayed with the family.
2- Brigham Young University - I didn't want to go to BYU because of the rivalry with the U. I did go to the recruitment weekend with their music program just the enjoy the weekend away. I had no intention of applying. After leaving the U, I did take a correspondence class from the Y. My dad wanted me to do some schooling and correspondence was the way to go. This was before the online classes. I worked on that while preparing for the move and afterwards. It took my a year to finish that class I needed a deadline. I'm a really good procrastinator. Now, that I'm older, I wish I didn't just dismiss the Y. I probably couldn't have gone anyway, but it's a great school. I stayed on campus a year for BYU Women's Conference and really enjoyed the campus.
3. Mesa Community College - After moving to AZ, I shared my interest of going to college with my dad. He helped me find MCC and get enrolled. He paid my tuition and help figure out how to get in-state tuition. MCC was a great college for me. It was a smaller college than the U, and a great way to get started. I learned a lot about college and about myself while attending MCC. I took a lot of math classes, chemistry, and physics and decided that I wanted to go into math. I spent 3 years at MCC and loved it. I got involved in Institute, LDSSA, and Lambda Delta (church sponsored sorority). I will never forget the years spend at MCC and the life - long lessons that I learned. I graduated from MCC with an Associates Degree.
4. Arizona State University - After my years at MCC, I need to go a University to earn my Bachelor's degree. I wanted to live at home still and save my pennies, so ASU was the best choice for me. ASU is a really big university and I was in shock for the first semester. Because I was a junior, my classes were smaller and quickly found some new friends in the same program that I was in. I really had to work hard at ASU and I took math classes that I didn't even know about. I discovered that even though I like math, I don't like math theory. My last semester at ASU, I spent at Kino Junior High where I did my student teaching. That was an awesome experience and I've never worked harder in my life. I also spent 3 years at ASU and graduated with a Bachelor's Degree. My dad encouraged me to work and pay for my schooling which added to my experience. I graduated with no student loans thanks to my dad's advice. I lived with my parents the entire time I went to college and didn't have to pay for food nor housing, so thanks to my parents for helping me out.

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