Jan. 1st - My family has spent many hours playing Catan game that they got from Santa. It's great to see the family gathered around the table playing a board game.
Jan. 12th - Emily received the Citizenship award at school. She loves school! Congrats Emmy!!
Jan. 23rd - We are going to register Josh as an MCC student today. He is involved in an after school jazz club that he can get college credit since the instructor works for MCC. Wish us luck!!!We are going to
Jan. 25th -Angela sang with the Mesa High Choir last night with the Taylor Junior High kids. Danni and Britt took great care of her. I admit I got a little choked up when I saw her on the MHS stage, I finally warmed up to the idea of her going to junior high and now we need to think about high school in a year.
Jan. 28th -We are getting closer to having a college student. We took my son to MCC to take a placement test. 9th graders don't take the AIMS test so the high school doesn't have test scores for him, so he needed placement testing. This is a lot of work just to take a college music class offered to him at MHS. The good news is that he did fabulous on his placement test.
Feb. 6th - Late Late Start and Early Early Releases means that I spend a lot of time in my car driving kids to school!! With kids going to three different schools, they are only in school at the same time for an hour. I wish that elementary school kids had late late start so we all could just sleep in.
Feb. 20th -Graupel also called soft hail or snow pellets, refers to precipitation that forms when super-cooled droplets of water are collected and freeze on a falling snowflake, from in a 2-5 mm ball of rime.
March 1st - Someone turned 13 without having a birthday!! We decided to celebrate her birthday today - Happy Birthday Angela!!!
March 9th - My son is doing his Eagle project this Monday from 9-12, Tuesday from 5-8 pm, and Wednesday 5-8 pm. He is sorting and organizing music at TJHS. If you or family needs something to do during spring break, come and down and support him. There is a lot to do.
March 10th - Happy 15th Birthday to my daring daughter Danni. I'm going to enjoy every minute with her today, because she is off to Texas in the morning for a week. Happy Birthday Danni Pace!!!
March 17th - 18 years ago today, Jim and I were married in the Mesa Temple. Happy Anniversary Jim!!!!
March 27th - I love spending time with my family. We are so busy that it's great to spend an evening together watching the Easter Pageant. Josh invites some friends to sit with us as well. The girls and I walked around and ran into an angel - my nephew Devon. It was a wonderful evening.
May 14th - I just found out that my son was selected into the National Honor Society. He was worked SO hard in high school and I'm so proud of him. CONGRATULATIONS Josh Pace!!!!!!!
May 28th -Jeff Hornacek returns to the SUNS as the Head Coach!!!! I loved watching his play and was so sad when he was traded. I wish the best of the luck as the Suns Head Coach!!
June 9th - "I'm a Mormon - I Know It, I Live It, I Love It!" - Girls Camp 2013
June 26th -I dyed my hair to remove some of the grey. I picked a darker color that I'm use to but it turned out great.
June 26th - 6/26/90 was the hottest day ever in Phoenix 122 degress. 6=26=90 = 1222 - Just something random.
July 13th - My two older kids went to Youth Conference yesterday. They went to Flagstaff Extreme and the Lava River Cave. They took FABULOUS pics of the rope climbing course and non of the cave. They had a blast!! A huge thanks to the leaders who took them and watched over them.
July 20th - We went camping near Blue Ridge just outside of Happy Jack. We needed some family time before Josh hand Danni head to band camp next week. We had a blast while we were there.
July 22nd -Ready for a new marching band season. Band Camp started this morning.
July 22nd -While Josh and Danni went to Band Camp, Angela went to Choir Camp
July 25th -Spoiling the younger two while my older two are working hard @ band camp.
July 27th - Band Camp is over. Now, we are going to have some fun.
Aug. 6th -"Oh What a Beautiful Morning" - love this rainy morning.
Aug. 12th -You know your son LOVES Marching Band when he switches from a smaller instrument to a larger instrument just because he is asked to - without complaints!! I would die from heat exhaustion if I had to march with a big instrument on my shoulders!!
Aug. 17th - Temple Service Project - We cleaned the temple grounds this morning. Wednesday night, Josh and and Danni helped lay on sod on the temple grounds. What an amazing experience.
Aug. 20th -I LOVE Wednesday mornings, our family gets to sleep in til 6:30.
Aug. 24th - 17 years ago today, I became a mom. I have learned so much the past 17 years and I know that there are many more lessons to learn about being a mother.
Aug. 26th - Josh was inducted into the National Honor Society tonight.
Aug. 30th -Mesa High's first football game of the season is tonight. I can't wait to go and the watch the marching band perform the pre-game show. My kids have been working hard since the middle of July and I can't to see what they have put together. I can't wait to see Josh march with the Sousaphone.
Sept. 5th - I admire my two older kids today. They will be at school for 16 hours today and will worked super hard fro those hours. They will not complain about how long hey were there, but will enjoy their time spent there. They will come home and get up early to face the next day. There re a lot of lessons that I can learn from the two of them on days like this.
Sept. 19th -Danni got her learner's permit today. She is super excited, can you tell.
Sept. 25th - Emily started primary softball yesterday.
Sept. 28th - MHS Marching Band took first place tonight!! It was an amazing show!!! Congrats!!!!
Nov. 2nd -Happy Birthday to the sweetest 9 year old. We love you Emily!!!!!
Nov. 7th - The Mesa Marching Band is performing their show for the school and community at the MHS stadium. Come and see their show before they to the State Championships!
Nov. 12th -I'm so grateful that the school my kids attend are close by. I've been to school 10 times today to the elementary school, junior high school, and high school. It's been a busy day!!!
Nov. 16th - Mesa High Marching Band won the State Championship in Division 2 this year. They have won the State Championship two years in a row. They worked so hard this year!! I'm so proud of Josh and Danni!! Josh learned to march and the play the sousaphone this year. Danni learned how to do rifle work. Congratulations to the Mesa High Marching Band!!!!
Dec. 6th -The Mesa Marching Band is having a fundraiser with Nikki's Kitchen on Saturday in the Mesa High parking lot from 11-3. There will be some groups of the band playing throughout the event. Come and support the MHS band!!!!
Dec. 9th - I was thrill to hear that ASU accepted the invite to the Holiday Bowl. The MHS Marching Band was invited to participate in this bowl and will compete for the pre-game show, participate in the half-time show, and march in the Big Balloon Parade. I've never been to an ASU game and I'm so excited to go!!!! I love being an ASU alumni!!!!
Dec. 24th -Our family didn't take any Christmas pictures, send out any cards, or make treats this year. We tried to simplify our Christmas this year. I did blog about the past year if you are interested in taking a look. We want to wish all of our friends a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.
Dec. 30th -The Mesa High Marching Band won the marching parade award this morning at the parade for their division. They are doing amazing in San Diego. What an amazing experience for these amazing band members!!!!!!
8 months ago
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