Monday, September 15, 2014

Memorable Monday
Angela's Therapists

Angela had 4 different therapies for a year and a half from the state - Speech, Occupational Therapy (OT), Physical Therapy (PT), and Early Intervention.  Most of the time, the therapists came to our home.  We visited Darla in a church for a year before the church ended their contract.  She was able to use great equipment there, so it was great to have it at the church.  She came to our home after that and we worked on toys we already had at home.  When she was 2 1/2 the therapys ended and she started attending preschool at Keller.  I learned so much from the therapists and loved watching Angela grow.  We were so lucky to have such amazing services provided for us.  We didn't have to pay a dime.  They billed the insurance and then the state.
Angela and Lara
Speech Therapist
Angela and Darla
Occupational Therapist
Angela's PT's
Angela and Elaine

Angela's Early Interventionist
Angela and Nicole
Early Intervention

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