Monday, October 6, 2014

Memorable Monday
Jim's police car

Jim just bought a new car and Danni couldn't wait to drive it.  She took the car to go get her driver's license.  She loves driving the car around town and is willing to run any errands that we need.
2009 Ford Focus
Danni just got her license
Before the Ford Focus, we owned a Crown Vic, which was an actual retired police car.  At one time, he had a police memorial license and an antenna on the car, which made it look like he was the police.   Cars slowed down when they drove by us.  Haha!!  One day, a police saw the memorial police license plate and thought it was a fake one, so he pulled Jim over with scouts in the back.  To the officer's surprise, the license plate had been issued to Jim.  Jim really like this car, but it was acting up and Jim wanted a small commuter car.  When Jim sold his car, I asked him to take a picture with it, but it forgot, so here is a partial picture of his police car.  Notice the two cute girls washing my truck.
See Jim's car in the corner

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