Monday, September 7, 2015

Memorable Monday
Early Years

I grew up in Sugarhouse, Vernal, Kearns, and Sandy. I have some memories of Vernal and Kearns but not before. 

Most of my childhood memories were in Sandy.  I remember playing flag in the backyard, neighborhood baseball in the street, and cars in the dirt.  Lisa and I would cut of stuff from magazines and play paper dolls.  It would occupy a lot of time.  We didn't have a lot of Barbies so this activity worked for us.  There was a field and gully not far from our house that we would go to and walk around, ride bikes, and just hang out.  

  • I attended Maeser Elementary for grades K-2\
  • I attended a school in Kearns, but not long enough to remember much except the last day to withdrawal.
  • I attended 3rd grade at Sunrise Elementary.
  • I attended Sprucewood for 4th & 5th Grade.
Best Friends - I only remember having 1 good friend, Stephanie Bacher, during my early years. She would always play with me at recess when I was alone.  It meant a lot to me that she would play with me.  She was a friend of mine from Sunrise Elementary to Jordan High.  She is one of my best friends and even came to my wedding and I visited to her several times in Salt Lake.    

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