Monday, November 21, 2016

Memorable Monday
Pics of Me

I was tagged on Facebook to find 5 photos of just me. I don't always do tags, but I wanted to do this one. I love who I am and who I have become. My life isn't always easy or glamorous, but it is great. I have friends and family who have shaped the person I am today.

As I look back at my life, I've learned that I am a braver person that I ever thought I was.  I was such a shy girl in high school and was afraid to talk to people.  Now, I have to talk to people every day to take care of my kids.  I have to be an advocate for my special needs daughter which taught me a lot.  I've had RS callings that taught me to step out of my comfort zone.  I've learned to like who I am even though life is rough. I'm not a glamorous model, but I'm a daughter of God and that knowledge alone makes me a beautiful women.  So, I found 5 pictures that made me look pretty.

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