Monday, December 24, 2018

Memorable Monday
Christ -Centered Christmas Activities

This Christmas season, I really wanted to do some activities that were more Christ-centered.  The activities were fun to do and my kids were very cooperative  The first few days were easy to plan and execute.  That was before my dad went to the hospital.   I was determined to make this Christmas season a great one.  I really felt the Christmas spirit this year.  I've never been busier serving my family that I have this month. That was what made if a Christ-centered Christmas. 

1- Christmas Tree - The evergreen Christmas tree represents everlasting life and the hope that Christ gives us for eternal life.   Titus 1:2
We learned the Christmas symbols from the ward party
2- Wisemen - The three wisemen visited Jesus after His birth bringing gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh.  Matthew 2: 1-12
Read the story of the 4th Wisemen and
wrote our gift to Jesus
3- Carols - We sing carols at Christmas as a way to celebrate Jesus's birth and spread joy to others.  Music is powerful.  Psalms 47:6 
We sang Christmas Carols
4- Shepherds- The angel appeared to the humble shepherd when Christ was born.  The shepherds quickly went to visit the baby Jesus.  Christa was called the "Good Shepherd".  Luke 2:8-11 and John 10:11 
We played the Shepherd's Game
5- Santa Claus - Or St. Nicholas, was generous to the poor, he anonymously gave gifts to those in need.  He was know for leaving gifts for children late at night because he wanted his identity to be a secret - Deuteronomy 16:17 and Matthew 6:3-4 
We read the story of Santa Claus
6- Red & Green - In the winter, red and green plants (like holly) thrive.  Red is a reminder of the Savior's life, blood, and sacrifice.  While green represents the new life we receive through Christ. - John 11:2-5 and Titus 1:2
We played red light, green light
7- Candy Canes - Hard candy symbolized Christ as our foundation.  White represents purity of Christ while red stripes represent Christ's sacrifice.  It is shaped like a J for Jesus and he staff of the good Shepherd.  Luke 2:8
We read the Legend of the Candy Cane
8- Ornaments - Ornaments are used to decorate.  The first ornaments were apples, candy canes, and pastries in the shapes of stars, hearts, and flowers.  Overtime, the tradition of decorating with ornaments has led to family collections that told significant sentimental value.   Psalms 149:4
Make Ornaments with cinnamon and applesauce
9- Candles - Candles represent the light of Christ and how love can share his light with others.
John 1:5 and John 8:12 
We lit a candle and talked about Christ
10- Christmas Lights - We display lights everywhere to represent the light of Christ - John 1:9
We drove around and saw some Christmas lights
 11 - Lamb - The nativity scene is not complete without the sheep.  Jesus often calls us "sheep".  When he taught, we must follow his example.  Another name for Jesus is the Lamb of God which refers to the atonement and Christ's sacrifice for His children.  John 1:29
We went on a Nativity Scavenger Hunt
12- Snowflakes - Snow is associated with Christmas.  The intricate design of snowflakes remind us of God's one of a kind love for each of his children.  Just as no two snowflakes are alike, all of God's children are unique and special.  1 John 4:10
We made snowflakes
We made Flaming Snowballs
13- Gifts - Just as God sent His Son as a gift to show His love, we give gifts to show our love for others.  Matthew 2:11 and John 3:16-17
We picked a neighbor to do the 12 days of Christmas.
14- Bells - Bells are often used to call the faithful to worship!  When you hear the bells ring, you can feel the joy of Christmas.  John 10:16
We "Jingled" a family in the ward
15- Cookies - Sharing Christmas cookies is a way that we can show generosity and gratitude for others.  All around the world, each culture has a unique take on their traditional Christmas cookie.  Mark 16:15
Made cookies to deliver
16- Wreaths - The wreath has no beginning or end.  It represents an unending circle of God's love.  The evergreen wreath symbolizes growth and everlasting life - Romans 8:39  - We wrote cards with wreath background
We wrote cards to Grandma and Grandpa Wall
with a wreath background
17 - Gingerbread- Just as God created us, we create the gingerbread man.  Gingerbread men remind us to look forward to the day when we can be united with our creater.  Isaiah 43:1
We tried to make gingerbread houses - ate most of it
18- Star - The new star was a sign of Christ's birth.  It guided shepherds and wisemen to Christ.
Matthew 2:1-12
We started to look for stars, but just found a big lit one
19- Jesus -He is the reason for the season.  Christ was born in Bethlehem.  Christmas is the celebration of His birth.  Luke 2:1-20
Read Luke 2

20- Angels - An angel appeared to Mary to announce the birth of Christ, to Joseph, and also to the Shepherds.  Luke 1:26-28, Luke 2:13-14
My Angels have shown random Acts of Kindness
 to me during a difficult time.
21- Bethelem - Mary and Joseph journeyed to Bethelem and baby Jesus was born in a manger.
Luke 2
Went to see Jim's mom - Bethelem was the home of Joseph,
so we went to visit Jim's home
22- Bows- The bow symbolizes unity and being tied together - Colossians 3:13-14
Help decorate for Pace Christmas Party
23- Nativity - The Nativity is a visual symbol of the night and events of the Savior's birth.  Luke 2
We went to see the Nativity at the Gilbert Temple, but the grounds were closed. 
We could see it, but not get to close.
We took pics instead of visiting the Nativity scene.
24- Stockings - The symbol of the stocking comes from St Nicholas filling stockings with goodies for the poor.  Matthew 24:35
Brought a stocking over to give to my
 mom on Christmas Eve.

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