My mom never had a sister, maybe that is why her daughters mean so much to her. My mom had a doctor's appointment with Dr. Yoo, her oncologist, to discuss chemotherapy with her. Her children felt that chemo would be too hard on her and not be in her best interest. We knew that chemo would make her more sick and probably wouldn't affect her cancer growth. Debbie, Lisa, and I wanted to go to to the doctor's appointment with mom to discuss this with mom and her doctor. The appointment was rough and with the doctor's approval, we convinced her that her quality of life was better than you quantity of life. My mom didn't want to give up the fight, but we told her that she is not giving up, she is just fighting a different fight. This appointment was a very bonding moment for us and I felt very close to my mom. We heard her viewpoint and listened to her fears and concern. We love our mom and want her to enjoy her last days. We don't want to lose her, but we know that this cancer will take her fast.
After the doctor's appt, we went to Seagull Book, my mom's most favorite store in the world. She talked to Kathryn and my mom cried as she talked to Kathryn about her fears and concern. Kathryn cheered my mom up and we had a great visit with her. My mom has found such a true friend with Kathryn and we love to shop at Seagul with my mom. I think we all love to shop at Seagull.
We went to visit dad at Sunise. This was my mom's first time to see dad's room. He moved in just a couple of days before my mom's appt. We had a nice visit and looked into a room that was reserved for her when we finished her paperwork. We had a nice visit with dad.
This day was rough but it gave us girls a chance to bond with our mom. We've realized that every minute we spend together should be cherished and remembered. We truly love our mom!!!