Sunday, September 20, 2020

Back to Church

After 6 months of having home church, we attended Sacrament Meeting as a ward.  Half of our ward met at 9 and the other half met at 11.  It was so weird being back and following the new protocol.  Due to COVID, we were unable to sing hymns, so we skipped the opening and closing song and went immediately to the Sacrament.  We had some ward business and stake business to take care of.  The counselors of the Bishopric were released, so we were able to hear their testimonies.  It was good to hear from the old leaders and meet our new leaders one more time.  Our Stake President was there and let us know that after General Conference, we could meet as a complete ward on a weekly basis.  We will still follow the same protocol as today - social distancing,  and masks.  We were able to attend church as a family and it was great to attend services with my family.  It brought the spirit to our Sunday.

My girls
Jim and I
Danni and Manny

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