Monday, September 14, 2020

Memorable Monday
Danni at Taylor Junior High

Danni started working at Taylor Junior High.  It doesn't seem that long ago that she started Taylor in 7th Grade.  She is working with Special Education kids.  She seems to do real well working with kids with disabilities.  She has patience and sees them for who they really are.  I'm so impressed with her and all the hard work she does to support herself and Manny.

When Danni attended Taylor as a 7th Grader, she overhears someone threaten another student.  She reported the incident and I talked to a vice principal.  Because of the actions Danni and I took, the xchool established a tip hotline where students can report situations like that without having to attend the principal's office like Danni did.  Danni is such a great girl and Taylor is so lucky to have had her as a student and now as an employee.

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