Wednesday, September 30, 2020

Memorable Monday
Camping at Woods Canyon Lake

In the summer of 2005, my family went camping near Woods Canyon at the Spillway Campground.  We camped near Woods Canyon lake and walked to the store and amphitheater.  Emily was still young and we brought lots of baby equipment and blankets to keep her off the ground.  I love camping and to be able to share this with my kids make my momma heart happy.  I also remember vising the rim lookout before heading to the campground. Here are some of the pictures of that camping trip. 

Kids camping
Jim with the kids
Kids in the amphitheater
Jim and the kids in the amphitheater
My kids and I
My kids
Kids at the lake
My kids and I at the lake
It's fun to look at all the equipment we used.
Jim and the kids on the trail to the store.

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