Monday, September 15, 2008

Braces Removed

Josh had his bottom braces removed. He just needed 4 braces on his bottom teeth during his Phase I of the orthodontic plan. They made room for some teeth without needing an extraction. They look really nice. Most people can't see Josh's bottom teeth, so they may not have noticed that he had braces nor will they see the difference the braces made. If no one really sees your bottom teeth, why fork over the big bucks to fix them.? Anyway, he was very excited to complete Phase I and get those braces off. He now has a metal retainer on the bottom until he is ready for Phase 2. The retainer doesn't come out nor does it bother him at all. After he had his braces removed, the dental hygienists put on some silly hats and sang to him. They gave him some yummy treats, especially the ones you shouldn't eat with braces on. He didn't know what to think about the performance, but sure did love the treats. He will see the ortho every 6 months until it is time to get full braces on all his teeth. It's a long road, but Phase I is over.
Josh before he had his braces removed. Can you see them?

The sweet ladies sang to Josh and gave him a lot of candy. That was the best part for Josh. He worked really hard for a year taking care of his teeth with the braces and wearing a retainer. Well, he only wore the retainer for a few months, but that will help when he gets braces on all his teeth.

Congratulations Josh!


Iralee said...

Taft gets his off next week after a two month delay. His were phase 2, so he is all done!

Seph is supposed to get braces (no phase 1 for him)that same week, but I think we'll hold off until the first of the year.

Congrats Josh--looking good!!

Bren's Life said...

Wow what a great Orthodondists office. They didn't do anything like that for Josh when he got his off. He also has a retainer. Since he is missing a permanent tooth from his cleft. There's a fake tooth attached to the retainer.. Pretty cool!
A girl always likes a guy with nice teeth! It'll be worth it someday...

Kim said...

What a neat office. The celebration sounded fun!