Monday, January 3, 2011

Memorable Monday
A Hour

Josh took an A hour PE class last semester to give him an extra class during school hours..  This semester, Mr. Quamo is holding an elective A hour class three times a week for those kids who want to spend that extra hour in band.  Josh really loves band and wants to have that extra hour in band.

I remember taking A hour seminary with Tracie so that we could have an extra hour during school to practice.  Tracie would pick me up early in the morning and we would go to early morning seminary.  It was hard to go to seminary that early in the morning, especially when it was still dark outside.  It seemed worth it when Tracie and I went to a small practice room in the band room to practice during the last hour of school.   Tracie and I worked on duets and solos that we planned to take to competition.  We even found some time to talk.  That last hour of the day was one of the highlights of my senior year.  Tracie is such an amazing musician and I was so lucky to learn from her. We need that A hour seminary class to get that free hour and I'm so glad that Tracie and I took advantage of that opportunity so we could spend so much time together our senior year.  In the fall, Tracie headed off the the U and I moved to AZ.

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