Sunday, April 24, 2011


I love the Easter season and the powerful spirit it brings. We started off our Easter celebration two weeks earlier by attending the Easter Pageant. We attended the pageant with the Clawson family, Jeff and Lauren, and Lauren's Grandparents. It was a great experience to watch the pageant up close and feel the spirit as the actors/actresses portrayed the life of Christ. Emily sat on my lap during the performance and clung to me during the part when they acted out the last week of Christ's life. It was neat to see the pageant through her eyes and watch up eyes light up when she saw the resurrected Christ. It was the perfect opportunity to remind our children the true meaning of Easter.

There were a lot of traditional Easter activities that we participate in this year. It's such a great time to spend as a family.

Dyeing Easter Eggs

We went outside to dye our eggs so that we could get great pictures. Danni helped the girls dye the eggs while I was able to take pictures. I really enjoy her help. The wind picked up and gave a us a nice breeze to remind us that it is still spring.

Finding Easter Baskets

The Easter Bunny hid the Easter Baskets again this year and the younger two girls loved hunting for their baskets and was well as their siblings. Josh and Danni slept in so the younger girls decided to find theirs too. If you didn't get up at the crack of dawn, you missed that hunt.

Easter Pictures

I love getting Easter Dresses for my girls. This year, I didn't want to look real hard to find modest dresses, so I just put a shirt underneath the dress. I love taking Easter pictures of my family. The are growing up so fast and I want to remember them at every occasion.

Attending Church Services

We had a beautiful Easter program. There 5 choir numbers and two wonderful talks about our Savior. The spirit was so strong in Sacrament Meeting that I didn't even realize that we went over by 30 minutes. During Sunday School we listened to Elder McConkie's last talk about the Savior's last week and his powerful testimony of Him. What a great Easter service!!

Easter Dinner with the Grandma and Grandpa Wall

My mom made cute Easter baskets for her grandkids and fill them up with goodies. It was a fun Easter and it was great to have my mom home this year.

Easter Egg Hunt with Grandma and Grandpa Pace

We went to our traditional park for pizza and an Easter Egg hunt. The older kids hid the eggs and then the younger ones went to find them. This year, Grandma brought a pinata for the grandkids too. It was so fun to watch the kids hit the pinata. I also enjoyed watching the grandkids move the pinata so that the others couldn't hit it. My camera died, so I didn't catch much of the pinata action.

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