Monday, July 8, 2013

Memorable Monday
SLC Family Reunion 2007

We had our family reunion in Salt Lake City in 2007.  I love going to Salt Lake and it was so fun just to be a tourist.  We stayed at Steve's house in his basement.  Rachel and Steve are great hosts and we really appreciate them housing us on this reunion.  We had a hard time planning things in advanced, so we planned on a day to day basis, Here are a few things that we did at our 2007 Wall Family Reunion.
  • We spend a lot of free time at Steve's house and the park.  We often saw visitors at Steve's house.
    Steve's house
    Park near Jeff's house
  • We went and toured Temple Square with the family.  Lisa's and Debbie's family went to see the Beehive house, while we explored the church museum with my parents.
Temple Square
Family near Log Cabin
Church Museum
  • Another day we went to Kennicott Mine.  We learned a little bit about how the mine works and then took a tour.  My dad used to work at this mine and we toured it when we lived there.  I loved going again this round with my children.
Checking out Kennicott
Check out the size of tire that the trucks need
The family at Kennicott
  • Jeff took Josh and Danni to the lake to go fishing early in the morning.  We picked them up before we headed to Lagoon to meet the Paces.  Josh got the only fish caught that day.  Good job Josh!!  The lake that the Jeff went to was just a few towns away from where Grandma and Grandpa Wall's lived  I remember passing that lake when we went to visit them in my youth. 
    Fishing Trip
  • We had a great time at Lagoon with Grandma and Grandpa Pace, Mardy's family, and Jon's family.  With Josh' broken arm, there wasn't a lot that he could do.  He played Miniature Golf with his dad and went on the rapids.  We covered his arm really good so we could enjoy that ride as a family.  We lost Angela for a short time during this trip to Lagoon.  I found her in line for a ride.  She didn't even know that she was lost.  I kept calm until I saw her and then I started to cry and rode the next ride with her.  It was a huge blessing to find her.
  • On the Fourth of July,  we started off the morning at the park next door to Jeff's house for breakfast.  Then, we went to Liberty Park.  Jeff took Josh and some others to explore the park. With Josh's broken arm, there was only so much he could do.  We went on rides, and talked,. Grandpa bought snow cones for everyone before we left..  That night, we lit fireworks which was the first for a lot of Arizona kids.  It was a great day for us.
  • The last day was spent with Mardy and Iralee down in Spanish Fork.  It was so fun to do sparklers with them.  We couldn't do sparklers in Arizona back then, so this was so fun for us to do with our kids.
Sparkler fun
We had an amazing trip and hope to go back to Salt Lake City soon and spend some time with Jeff and Steve. 

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