Thursday, December 17, 2015

Throw Back Thursday
Economics Bazaar

Porter holds an Economic Bazaar to teach the 5th graders the value of economics.  I helped the kids make the craft and watched them sell them to the Porter kids.  It was fun to see my kids in action.  Josh sold reindeer ornaments, Danni sold cinnamon applesauce ornaments, and Emily sold clay snowflake necklaces. It's a great way for the kids to learn economics and earn money for a field trip. Angela did not participate in this event.
Josh, Danni, and Emily selling their craft.
I love this Porter tradition and I'm so glad that I was able to volunteer at this event.  Emily's was my last Economics Bazaar.  I won't miss the craziness, but I will miss doing the crafts with them.  Wait, I can still do that.  Cool!!
Emily's 5th Grade Bazaar 

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