Monday, August 4, 2008

Fashion Show

About 6 years ago, my sister and I started a new tradition to help the kids get excited about going back to school. We have a fashion show to show off their new school clothes and backpack for their cousins and grandparents to see. The kids love showing off their new stuff and the girls love to pose for the camera. Emily will not attend school this year, but she participated in the fashion show. They become models for the evening. It'll be fun to see what the kids choose to wear the first day of school. Dani and I went shopping in a Target store on Wednesday Aug 6th. The cashier asked why Dani was not at school. I explained that Dani lived in Mesa and school hadn't started yet. Opps! Yesterday we met their new teachers at the school. Angela has the same teacher as last year and is excited to be a big third grader. This will be her last year at Roosevelt. They have an awesome LLD program for Angela. Dani has the same teacher as Josh did last year. That's two teachers that I my kids had last year and I think they are both great. Josh met his teacher at Target one day while we were shopping for his school supplies. It was fun to see his teacher in a less formal setting.


rachael marie said...

That is such a fun tradition!! All of your kids look so cute in their new school clothes!!

TF said...

How fun! Dani is looking so grown up, I can hardly believe it!