Monday, July 6, 2009

Independence Day Parade

Our ward has an annual 4th of July parade and watermelon bust. The day started off with a flag ceremony at the church and a breakfast cooked by the Bishopric. Josh participated in the flag ceremony, but I slept in just in time for the breakfast. Having someone cook breakfast for you is awesome. We then gathered at a neighbor's house and begin the parade. We spent the day before decorating the bikes and scooters. Emily's trike is too small for her, but she sures looks cute. It took Emily a long time to finish the parade, but she did it on her own. Next year she will have a better bike. After the parade, there was cold water and watermelon for all. It was a great success and no water fights, except Dani did pour some water on my head. I'll admit it felt good on that hot morning. It was great fun. Josh and Dani stayed a while and then headed on home. The younger girls stayed a little while longer with mom and dad and were able to go on a golf cart ride and had a great time.

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