Monday, July 6, 2009

Memorable Monday

This 4th of July, we sat super close to the fireworks, about 60 yards away. My younger two girls were scared of the loud noises at first. It was an awesome display of fireworks with great company.
It reminded me of a time when my sister Debbie and I hiked up with some friends up the Squaw Peak (I know it has another name, but I'll always remember it as Squaw Peak). It was a Sunday evening and we could see the different firework shows from atop of the Peak. It was an awesome sight and one of the best firework show I've ever seen.
I always remember the fireworks show we had in Sandy growing up. Since buying fireworks are not illegal up there, we would have a neighborhood firework show right on the street. It was my favorite part of the 4th. I was to nervous to light the fireworks, so I would just enjoy them from the sideline. There were some minor injuries, but tons of fun. We would light our sparklers and would pretend they were pencils and write our names in the air. When it was completely dark, the Wall kids would sit outside our porch to watch the main fireworks. We tried to convince my dad to take us to see them, but we always watched them from home. The best part was we watched the fireworks 20 days later on Pioneer Day. I sure do miss that part living in AZ.

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