Monday, January 12, 2009

Memorable Monday
High School Orchestra

I have found one of my high school friends on Facebook. Ever since then, I have been thinking about my high school years. I was involved in music program during high school. (There were 4 years of high school at the time.) I played the violin and was struggling in the music program and socially. My BFF in high school just started taking orchestra our sophmore year. When she joined, I became much more involved in the music program. I participated in musicals, competitions. and practiced a lot more. She challenged me to become a better violin player. Our senior year, we dived into the music program even more. We decided to switch instruments. I learned to play the viola and Tracie learned to play the cello. I loved playing the viola, (hated reading the viola clef). We also decided to join the Dixieland Band, where I learn to the the bass. I wasn't a very good musician, but I tried hard. Tracie and I would also play the recorder at competitions. That was way too much fun! Tracie was a great composer and arranged some Manneheim Steamroller pieces for us. One piece was Stille Nacht, which we played in competition. Another one called Nepenthe (a very beautiful piece), which we played at our graduation. Music was such a big part of my high school years. It gave me the confidence that I needed. Thanks Tracie! After graduation, I moved to AZ and after a few years, Tracie and I lost touch. I didn't continue with my music in college, but Tracie got a Master's Degree in Cello Performance. Congratulations to her. It has been fun to learn more about Tracie and her musical journey. It's been fun to reminisce about my years in high school.

Here is a picture of me with my violin before a concert. Did I mention that I went to high school in the mid 80's?

This picture was taken a couple years after high school. I am showcasing my viola in this picture. The viola was a graduation/birthday present. I was so thrilled to get it.


leesaloo2 said...

Isn't it fun to think back to those wonderful high school years? And, don't worry, I remember the violin very well, especially the beginning years. Thank goodness you got better!!! Don't forget to say hi to Tracie for me. (And say it in a kind, gentle way so she knows I have kind of changed! lol)

Bren's Life said...

Hi! How are you doing. Haven't talked to you in awhile.. Man I have always wished I knew how to play an instrument. I have no idea how to read music or carry a tune or anything..