Friday, February 27, 2009

Court of Honor

We had a Court of Honor on Wednesday. Josh planned and conducted his Court of Honor. He made a lot of phone calls and asked leaders and boys to participate. He came early and helped set up and stayed to clean up. Josh also earned a couple of merit badges and advanced to the rank of a Star. Josh is working really hard in the scouting program and in the Deacon's Quorum. We are very proud of Josh and his accomplishments. Now, he is working towards his Life.
Josh conducting his first Court of Honor. It's a requirement for the Communications merit badge, so he was willing to do it. He probably would even if it wasn't a requirement.
Josh earning his merit badges. His scoutmaster asked Josh a lot of questions to see if Josh remembered all the stuff he learned while doing his merit badges. Josh earned the Music and Physical Fitness merit badges.

Josh with his parents after receiving his star rank advancement.

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