Sunday, February 22, 2009

Scout Snow Campout

Jim went with Josh on a scout snow campout. I was nervous making sure that the boys had enough warm clothes packed. When the boys came home, Josh told me of all the adventure the scouts had. They went sledding, went on a zip-line, had a snowball fight (of course, they're boys), and built a snowman. Jim took some pictures to share this campout with me. If he had two cameras, I would have double the amount of pictures. I'll remember that and sent more with him. I was surprised to see that they set their tent right on the snow. I don't know why that surprised me, but it did. Jim and Josh both said that they were cold especially at night, (of course they slept on the snow), but they had a great time. I was so glad that I slept on a nice warm bed that night.

The camp set up right on the snow.

Josh on the zip line.

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