Monday, February 23, 2009

Memorable Monday
6 month olds

My sister-in-law and her youngest came to visit AZ. It was so fun to see them and hold that precious neice of mine. She looks just like her siblings, what a cutie!

It reminded me of when my kids were that age - 6 months. That is a fun age when they interact with you and develop a cute persaonality. It's fun to see their baby pictures side by side and remember what they were like as babies.

Here is Josh at 6 months. He was a busy boy at 6 months. He was always interacting with his cousins. He had 4 cousins that were born within 2 months of him. He saw most of them on a daily basis and we enjoyed watching them. Josh learned to crawl at 6 months (scoot actually, but when you are a first time mom it's considered crawling right?) , he was very anxious to get moving. Luckly for me, we waited to walk until he was 11 months old.

Here is Dani at 6 months. Dani was a very well dressed baby. Dani loved her brother and they played so cute together. They were always in the same room. Dani had a lot of cousins to play with too. Dani was a joy to watch and we loved have a sweet girl. Dani is a go-getter

Here is Angela at 6 months. Angela was a such a cuddling baby and would sit hours on my lap. Angela was such a happy baby and not much has changed. Angela is a joy in my life and has taught me some incredible lessons. Angela especially taught me to be happy now even when things seem hard.

Here is Emily at 6 months. Emmy is a lovable little girl. Her sibling doted on her since she was born and still do. Emily was so fun to watch as a baby. We enjoyed every developmental step and cheered every milestone. We were in no hurry to see her grow up. She has been a big Mamma's girl, and I wouldn't have it any other way.

1 comment:

Chyrisse Ballard said...

Tami, your are awesome. I love reading your blogs. You are a great mom and you have a beautiful family. I miss hanging out with you!