On Tuesday, Jim had his 40th birthday. He spent his birthday at work and at school. He finally made it home at 10:30. I let the kids stay up and share some cupcakes with him. Jim is so awesome and never complained about working on his birthday. What a guy. I made a list of 40 random things about Jim.
Happy 40th Birthday Jim!
- Jim has worked at the same company for almost 19 years. WOW!
- Jim loves to camp and cook outdoors, especially with his family.
- Jim loves to go on scary rides at the amusement parks.
- Jim went to Philly on his mission and wants to return to the see the new temple being built there.
- Jim has a great sense of humor and great timing.
- Jim is competitive when we play board games.
- Jim loves to do all kinds of puzzles.
- Jim play the baritone in high school and would love it if one of his kids would play it too.
- Jim and I used to country dance before we got married.
- Jim loves a good Philly Cheese Steak, especially from Philly.
- Jim loves to go four-wheel driving. LOVES IT!
- Jim loves to drive a quad whenever he gets a chance.
- Jim has a ham radio license.
- Jim bought a small military trailer. I'll admit it has come in handy when we go camping.
- Jim has the cutest blue eyes. His daughters get their eyes from their dad.
- Jim is really smart and does very well in school.
- Jim has a good voice and enjoys singing in the choir. Josh goes to choir with him.
- Jim loves to spend time with his family.
- Jim loves to hike without any incidents. There's been a few unfortunately.
- Jim quietly does a lot of service for others. He is such a great example to me.
- Jim went on a few field trip with the kids, and the kids loved those field trips the best.
- Jim goes on dates with his kids and the kids love to spend time with them.
- Jim loves to tease the kids.
- Jim takes great care of our vehicles, especially his police car. The truck is still new.
- Jim believes in doing things now and not procrastinating.
- Jim gives me flowers on ordinary days, that's better than getting them on special days.
- Jim has a strong testimony of the gospel. It's blessed our family.
- Jim loves to go to the temple.
- Jim loves to listen to good music and good talks on his new ipod.
- Jim calls me during the day just to chat. That makes my day.
- Jim is a very patient man.
- Jim likes to play racquetball.
- Jim loves and respects his parents and mine.
- Jim is a great handyman at home when he has time.
- Jim loves to reminisce about our dating years. We dated forever so there are many stories to remember.
- Jim loves to be in the middle of a snowball fight or a water fight. He always finds himself in the middle of one.
- Jim loves to race me home when we drive in different vehicles. He almost always wins too!
- Jim is a good listener. I love that about him.
- Jim is supports me when I go out with my friends for a late night or overnight.
- Jim comes with me to plays, musicals, and other social events.
Jim is a great guy and there is a wonderful presence about him. When he comes home, he brings peace to our home. The kids and I love him and want to wish him a Happy Birthday!
very nice, Tam. You actually did it. Your Jim is a great guy just don't tell him I said so. that would be way too wierd!!!
Gosh Tami, you must have spent a long time thinking of all those nice things to say about me. It's been a wonderful birthday. Thanks!
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