Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Band Concert

Mr. A planned a different style band concert this time around. He asked the students if they wanted to do a solo, duet, or be in a small group. Some students chose to do duet with Mr. A. It was neat to see the students perform in smaller groups. Josh and Dani played a duet which made me very happy, that's why they chose to do it. Josh and Dani were unable at school to practice together. Since we don't have a snare drum, they didn't practice at home either. When it was their turn, I was a little nervous. They did an amazing job and everyone commented on how well they played together.

This is the first video that I've put on a blog. It's fun to try new technology.

Josh did another song with a group. He played the bass clarinet, which he picked up two weeks before the concert. The clarinet and bass clarinet play the same notes with the same positions, the only difference is the size. Josh has learned confidence in learning a new instrument and I think he wants to learn more. It's exciting when they get into music, but I need to put some serious money away to rent more instruments.

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