My cousin and his family came to AZ for a visit. It was great to see them and spend some time with them. One night, the adults went out to dinner and had an enjoyable evening talking and catching up. It's wonderful to have family visit us in AZ. Jim and I with David and CarolineDavid Caroline with Lisa and Travis
They spent the whole week with the Clawsons and are the best of friends.
It reminded me of spending time with the Meyers when we were kids. The Meyers are the only cousins we have on my dad's side. I remember spending Christmas with them and picking out the best Christmas presents for the boys - usually we got them model cars. I remember visiting them in Pleasant Grove and hanging out with them. We had some really good times when we were young. After my Grandpa had a stroke and needed to stay in the rest home, both families went to Oakley to clean out his house. This was a big project and took many weekends. It was a great bonding time for both our families. My Grandpa lived in a small church and we would play hide and seek. There were a lot of good hiding places. We played more than we helped I'm sad to say. Our family moved to AZ, but we would visit the Meyers when we visited UT. One special memory we shared with my younger two cousins was a trip to the movies. My Grandpa wasn't doing well, so we took the girls to see Milo & Otis. We laughed so hard and for a small moment, forgot everything and enjoyed being together. A while later, the Meyers moved to Vernal , UT and then to Texas. My Aunt and Uncle visit my parents often, but we don't get to see my cousins much anymore. It was wonderful to David and his family and visit with them.
This is how I will always remember the Meyer family.
I'm so glad you got to see them! I know Lisa was very excited they came too.
I'm sorry you didn't get to spend much time with them.. I palnned way too much stuff. I was trying to stay out of the house as much as possible.
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