I'm reminded of the time that I was in kindergarten and rode the bus home for the very first. I was very nervous to ride the bus and way to shy to ask for help. My mom took me to school in the morning and explained that I was to ride the bus home from school. I got on the bus at school but wasn't sure where to get off or what to do next, so I just sat on the bus. I missed my bus stop and several stops after that. Actually, I didn't get off the bus. I stayed on the bus until the bus driver finished his route and noticed that I didn't get off. Luckily for me, we lived in a small town and he knew where I was to get off. I was probably too shy to talk to him and tell him my address and where I should have gotten off. My mom was very anxious when I didn't get off at the bus stop. She had to pile 4 younger children in the car to school to see if I missed the bus, my youngest brother was a preemie at the time. There was no sign of me at the school since I was still on the bus. She went home and waited for me. Soon I got off the bus and came home. My mom said that I acted if nothing ever happened. Of course, I didn't know the full story til later and all the commotion I caused.
I have another bus story that took place when I was a mother. It's not as dramatic as a story as when I was younger, but for me a much more anxious time. My daughter started pre-school when she was two months shy of 3 yrs. old. She attended preschool at Keller Elementary, which has horrible parking, and was provided transportation. She was scared to ride the bus the first day, so I drove her and had her come home on the bus. Since she is young and in special-ed, the bus drops her off at my house. The next day and a few months after that, she would cry when I put her on the bus. Several times, I wanted to call the transportation office and cancel the bus. Angela and I stuck it out until the day she ran to the bus ready to go to school.
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