Wednesday, March 17, 2010

15th Wedding Anniversary

Today is our 15th Wedding Anniversary. I woke this morning with a great e-mail message from my husband. He thought of 15 things that he loves/admires about me. It was so sweet and a great surprise. Thanks Jim! I love you!

  1. I love how you raise and teach our kids with love and patience.

  2. I appreciate how you do stuff around the house without complaining.

  3. I love your early morning kisses as I go off to work.

  4. I enjoy watching movies with you, especially the 970 episodes of LOST.

  5. I admire how you can keep everything planed out in your head.

  6. I admire how you stick to your diet, even when it's hard.

  7. I admire your tenacity in helping the kids with their homework.

  8. I appreciate your sacrifice in postponing your education for the kids.

  9. I appreciate you making dinner.

  10. I like reading your journal/blog and am grateful for the memories.

  11. I admire your dedication to your calling. You are a great example.

  12. I'm glad we both like to go camping and enjoy camping with you.

  13. I enjoy going on trips with you and enjoy the time spent together while driving.

  14. I appreciate your willingness postpone things when I need attention.

  15. I admire your example of love and dedication to your extended family.

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