Today, we planted Angela's tree, it is her first tree. She was so excited and was willing to help watch her dad plant the tree. She waited patiently for this day to come.
Angela is posing for this picture. She didn't actually help dig the hole. That's a lot of work for such a little girl, but she sure looks cute.
The girls helpied Jim plant the tree. Emily wasn't afraid to dive in and help her dad. Angela just enjoyed watching the process. It's fun to watch dad plant the tree.Here is the final project. Angela's tree looks awesome and she loves having a tree just like Josh and Dani. Jim and I wanted to plant a tree after each child gets baptized. Angela didn't have to wait too long, she just turned 8. We wanted the kids to see a symbol of their baptism. Our yard is looking beautiful and the we hope the kids will remember their baptism when they see their trees.
You got pictures! I hope the trees survive the summer.
Great job! The tree looks fabulous. I really love this tradition we may just have to copy you guys. Congratulations on your tree, Angela!
You have a lot of trees now. That's so great that your kids each want their own tree..
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