This weekend, a friend and I went to BYU Women's Conference. It was a great experience to be taught by the leaders of our church. It was neat to be surrounded by close to 20,000 -23,000 women who were there for the same reasons, to come closer to Christ. The theme this year Awake, Arise, and Come Unto Christ. (Moroni 10:31-32).

We stayed at Young Hall in the Heritage Halls complex. It was fun staying in the dorm. It was so cold when we arrived at the dorms. After settling in, we went to get some famous BYU Creamery ice cream. As we walked to the creamery, it started in snow a little, just enough to have snow flurries. It's May and it's snowing. I was so excited that it was snowing, just a little. After the ice cream, we needed hot chocolate because it was so cold for us AZ girls.

The classes were so good. They were so good that there were long lines to get to every class. After the class ended, you had to practically run to the next class and stand in line and hope that you can get in the one you want. I wasn't so lucky on one of my classes, but ended up taking another fabulous class. Eating lunch was difficult unless you skipped a class. I ended up snacking some carrots and apples that I grabbed after breakfast. It was a great experience and would do it again in a heartbeat. I'm going to speak about the classes in another blog. The classes were so amazing and helped me so much. It was the reason I came to Women's Conference.
One night, we were able to help in the humanitarian effort. Kim and I helped make around 3,000 card to be delivered to the soldiers on duty. There were other service projects available that night. It was amazing to see so much service done. The sisters had a lot of fun doing the service projects. The members of the General Primary, YW, and RS presidencies were walking through and watching the sisters complete the service projects. It was amazing to see these sisters and feel their love.
After the service, we went to a concert with so many amazing singers. Hillary Weeks was the host and she did an awesome job. Kenneth Cope, Michael McLean, Mercy River, Eclipse, and Jenny Jordan Frogley performed for us. The men of the Tabernacle Choir had a special performance for us from the Tabernacle. It was such an amazing concert.
The highlight of Women's Conference was the concluding speaker - President Monson. It was an amazing experience. We all stood and sang "We Thank Thee O God for a Prophet" while he entered the room. I felt the spirit so strong and knew that he was a prophet of God. It was so amazing especially since the solemn assembly a month ago. His message was so incredible - to make each day a special occasion and find joy in the journey now not later.

I was able to spend some time with my two brothers and my sister-in-law. I am blessed to have such a great family. Jeff picked us up from the airport and took us safely to BYU. It made sure that we made it to the dorms safely, even waiting for us to receive our dorms keys. Jeff graduated from college the next day. Congratulations Jeff! Steve provided us to two well cooked meals. He had his special meatloaf waiting for us when we arrived in Salt Lake City. He is an amazing cook. I would love to get together with him and learn his recipes. Iralee spent some quality time with us and chauffeured us again Provo after Women's Conference and a ride back to Salt Lake City. I thank them publicly from their service. I love my family dearly. They are a great example of service.

My amazing brothers!- Steve and Jeff
I am so glad we got to go to Women's Conference together. It was awesome! I like how you wrote about the conference in one blog, and the talks in another.
I love your family! They're great.
Thank you.
I'm still tired though. :)
What a great experience to have.. My mom & I went together probably 15 yrs ago when the classes were still little & not a lot of women went..
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