Monday, May 19, 2008

First Class Scout

Josh earned his First Class rank last night at the Court of Honor. He has worked really hard to accomplish this. He loves the scouting program. Josh can't wait until he is 12, so he can be one of his "Dad's Scouts". He was watched his dad hang out with the scouts, waiting patiently for his turn. Josh only has 3 more months left, and then he can go to scouts with his dad. Josh has had a few opportunities to work with the 12 year old scouts. In a couple of months, Josh will get to go to scout camp with his dad. Josh is totally love that!Jim gave Josh his rank advancement. What a neat experience for both Jim and Josh. They are going to have fun in scouts together.

I'm carefully pinning on his First Class pin. He looks a little nervous, but I won't poke him.

1 comment:

Kim said...

Josh is off to a great start - earning his 1st class before he's 12. Congrats!