Sunday, May 4, 2008

Women Conference Classes

A friend of mine wrote down her notes and feelings on the classes she took at BYU Conference. I think that is a wonderful idea, so I would like to share mine. We didn't attend the same classesas did, so I learned a lot from her notes. Here is a list of the talks and classes that I attended. I hope you don't mind if I share them with you. It has helped build my testimony and refect on what I learned at Women's Conference.

Awake, Arise and Come Unto Christ
Sheri Dew was the first speaker and she introduced the theme. She spoke about the great influence we have as women of the church. When we know who we are, and become Christlike, then we can influence the world for good. She called the women in the family the "Heart of the Family","Central to Heavenly Father's Plan" and a "Secret Weapon". Those are important key phrases that I've heard before, but they are powerful and should be heard often.

The Family: A Proclamation to the World
One of the instructors in this class said that we should believe the Family Proclamation deeply and actively follow the principals taught within the document. We need to deeply study the proclamation, even have one that we cross-reference and take notes like we do with the scriptures. We should memorize, read frequently, and ponder so we know and remember the words we can actively use it. She said that we should share and defend the Proclamation and reminded us that the audience for this Proclamation was the world, not just the members of the Church.

I Know the Scriptures Are True
(Establishing Scripture Reading Traditions) The instructors told us that if the scriptures can find a home in our hearts and not just in our head, than that will lead to a testimony of the scriptures. There were some fun ideas of reading scriptures with the kids. One idea was to write down every one's favorite scripture story or scripture and put it in a jar. Grab one out and read it. It's fun for the kids to read their favorite scripture and maybe even act it out. It helps the kids learn to love the scriptures and want to read them more. Sis. Matsumori, second counselor in the Primary, was one of the instructors.

"Teach Me to Pray to My Father Above":
Meaningful Prayer in the Family
There are many blessings we will have we we play as a family. We need to make our house a "House of Prayer". Have family prayer in the morning will arm our children as the face the world. On instructor says that no one is allowed to leave the home without a family prayer. She says that sometimes, she has had morning prayer several different times, but she never let her children leave without the spiritual protection of prayer.

Temple Worship Is a Avenue to Exaltation in God's Kingdom
Brother and Sister Bateman spoke to us about service in the temples. Merrill J. Bateman serves as the President of the Provo Temple. He said the path which leads to Heavenly Father leads through the temple. We should escape the world and prepare our souls to Come Unto Christ. We should also pattern our home after the temple.

Strengthen thy Stakes: Standing Strong and Immovable in Faith
Sister Julie B. Beck spoke to us about our importance of women. We have the ability to nurture and influence while the brethren hold the priesthood. Both are essential and complement each other. We need to strengthen one another.

Turning the MTC into a Review, Not a Revelation
This class was an awesome class. The instructors reminded us that missionaries need to be prepared a home. They will have successful and fulfilled missions when they do. Going on a mission is a privilege. The future missionaries should be taught to handle uncomfortable situations, have had spiritual experiences, have great faith, have a testimony of the Book of Mormon, and show obedience. These are best learned at love.

I'll Follow Him in Faith: Establishing a Spiritual Pattern through Family Home Evenings
Lloyd Newell, the voice of the Spoken Word, and his wife were the instructors of this class. Spiritual patterns can help make our homes more peaceful, joyful, and sanctuaries from the world. Family Home Evening should be a spiritual pattern, done consistently. The Lord will bless us if we are persistent with Family Home Evening, even if once in a while the outcome doesn't work out.

Successful Family Reunions: Creative Organization with
Clever Follow-up
This was a fun class. We learn to spare spiritual experiences and get in touch through emails, blogging and family reunions. We can have spiritual experiences on our Family Reunions. Keeping in contact with the family is very important. We should connect with our family members heart - heart.

President Monson
It was so wonderful to hear from our prophet. When he walked into the Marriott Center, we all stood and sang "We Thank Thee O God for a Prophet". It was amazing experience. He spoke to us about finding Joy in every moment. Every day is a special occasion. He also talked about Adversity in life. He said that tears and adversity are necessary for development. It was so wonderful to hear from our prophet.

Thanks for letting me share some of what I learned at BYU Women's Conference. It was such a wonderful learning experience. I have been blessed to be instructed by the leaders of our Church. What a wonderful experience.

1 comment:

Kim said...

Thank you for sharing. It was good to hear about the classes I missed. You also noted some things that I missed from the classes we did go together to. I loved hearing from President Monson. It was funny how he gave us a thumb up as he left, as if saying "good job" or "way to go."