Jim passed the next Microsoft Certification test. He has passed 2 out of the 3 tests that he needs for work. He studied really hard in April, and wanted to take the test in early May. He couldn't schedule the test until May 27th. He was planning to study for the test again during Memorial Day Weekend. He had to work this weekend. He worked most of the day on Sunday and all day on Monday. He didn't have the time to study like he had planned. He woke up early this morning for 1 hour of study before the test. We said a prayer before he headed out the door. When Jim called and told me that he passed the test, I was thrilled and knew that the Lord is blessing us. I am so proud of Jim, the certification tests are not easy to pass. He works so hard at work, and we appreciate all that he does. He is a great example to me and our kids.
8 months ago
Congratulations, Jim!!!
Yeah Jim! Great job.
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