Saturday, June 20, 2009

A Day on the Rim

On Friday, we went up to the beautiful rim country to hang out with Jim's parents. Jim's parents were camping just north of Pine and Strawberry on top of the rim. It's always fun to enjoy the cooler weather, pine trees, and great company. Josh was still at scout camp and we missed him while we were there.
A bull came near the campsite and we watched in awe as he walked on by. Grandma's dog was ready to put up a good fight with the bull, which wouldn't have been a pretty sight. There was a herd of cows and their calves nearby. We walked just a little ways and ran into them. It was fun to watch them, until Jim scared them all away. We did his cow imitation and the cows took off and we didn't see them again the rest of the day. Jim did enjoy that!Grandma and Grandpa had a fire going in the morning when we arrived. It's awesome that they had a fire in the middle of June and there were no fire restrictions. That's a first in a really long time. Emily collected rocks and sticks and created her own fire pit. When she was finished, she found a long stick and pretended to roast marshmallows. She is such a cutie with a great imagination.Grandma always comes prepared for many activities for the kids to do. She brought flavored bubbles. Who knew they made flavored bubbles. Angela had a blast blowing bubbles and took her time learning how to make bigger bubbles.
Grandma and Grandpa had a lot of hammocks sent up. It was nice just to kick up your feet and relax. Everyone took a chance to relax in the hammock. It was chilly enough for me to find my jacket and put it on. I could stay in his hammock all day long.

I think Dani explored every inch surrounding the campsite. I rarely saw her because she was on the hunt for the cows and the bulls. It was fun to see her interact with her sisters when she returned from her adventures.

1 comment:

Ball Family said...

Looks like a fun vacation! I bet it was a nice break from the heat.