Josh went with the scouts down the Colorado River. This was Josh's first canoe trip and his dad wasn't able to go with him. Jim has made this trip 3 times before when he was scoutmaster. I was so excited that Josh would have such a great opportunity, but I was very nervous too. Jim has mentioned how tough the journey can be and sometimes canoes capsize. The scouts would begin their journey just south of Blythe and canoe about 60 miles to Martinez Lake. Jim, myself, and another person went with the scouts to Blythe and then took all the vehicles to Martinez Lake. When the scouts finished the trip, they could load up at the lake and head on home. Since I went with them to Blythe, I was able to take some good pictures before they headed out into the water. Once they entered the water, they quickly took off once they were in the current. I watched Josh's canoe until it was out of sight. I was nervous for the three days he was in the water. Did his canoe capsize? Is he having fun? Did he put sunscreen on? I was so glad to see Josh after his 3 day canoe trip. I heard from his leaders and his Bishop what a great job Josh did on the canoe trip. It was a comfort to me to hear about this canoe trip. Josh did have a great time and can't wait until next year when they go again.
While Josh was on this trip, I thought about what it would be like when Josh goes on his mission. Josh's canoe partner was 18 years old while Josh is 12 years old. This is very similar to missionary companions - an older missionary paired with a younger one. Parents are unable to check on their missionaries and worry about them while they are away. They have faith in the leaders and their missionary that they will be protected while on their journey. It was on my mind the whole time and thought it was a great lesson for me. It's so neat to see how the scouting program teaches the boy and parents some great lessons.
The Colorado River just south of Blythe
Jim used his muscles to help unload all the canoes and stuff. The boys did most of the work, but he's so cute I had to take his picture.
Jim was a great help to Josh and the other scouts. I was very nervous about Josh getting sunburned so we found a great long sleeve rash guard for him to wear all the time. Jim had a great waterproof bag for Joshto protect his stuff that Jim used in the past.
Josh and his canoe partner just before they set off.
Jim and I at Martinez Lake after dropping the vehicles off. It was fun to spend some time with Jim and see the boys off on their canoe trip.
I'm glad Josh had a good time. It's a great trip that my boys did several times, and they really enjoyed it and had stories to tell. And I drove that route from Blythe to Martinez lake many times too!
Aaah missionaries! - yes it's as a much a faith building experience for the mothers as it is for their missionaries. You just have to put your trust in the Lord and know that your son is being obedient and faithful and will be looked after.
Josh is growing up quick. It seems like only yesterday he was one of my cub scouts!
Wow! You are a good mom! I can imagine how hard that must've been to watch him go! Look slike he had fun!
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