Saturday, December 6, 2014

Ward Christmas Party

Our Ward Christmas party's theme was "Christmas in Hawaii". We had a yummy dinner with cooked pork and chicken over rice.  There was a limbo contest after dinner followed by program.  Some of the Young Men in our ward danced for us.  The primary children sat up front and learned some great Christmas songs in Hawaiian.  The Bishopric, of course, did an amazing dance for us as well.  After the dance, the Bishopric gave us a spiritual message to take home and share with our families.  At the end, the kids sang really loud to see if a special visitor would stop by.  Santa came to visit our party in his own :Hawaiian Christmas clothes".  It was a great Christmas party and I was thrilled to have Josh and Danni there for dinner. 

Our "Hawaiian Christmas clothes"
Josh likes the decor
Angela and Natalia 
Josh and Danni - so glad they were there for dinner
Emily and Santa - Hawaiian style

1 comment:

Shelly and Ron Huber said...

Such a fun party! You got some really cute pics!